COVID-19 – My Thoughts

So, this is really happening. COVID-19 is all anyone can talk about. While I am sitting over here ready to move on with my life and forget it has happened. I’ve had a cough since September. I was coughing before coughing was cool. I also have been anti-social since this time last year, so I was social distancing before it was cool too. But, in the wake of all this, I have had plenty of thoughts. Mostly of how stupid people are but also, what this really means.

I don’t think this thing is going to hang around for too long. I give it until the end of April, maybe the second week of May and it will be done. No one will be talking about it. I was talking with my mom about it the other day and she made the comment about how fast it has happened and is spreading. My response was something down the lines of “Yeah, and the faster something hits, the faster it goes.” Let this thing hit fast. By it hitting all at once, it will have no where else to go and will die off. Yeah, it puts a big strain on our medical facilities and well, everyone but it will be gone fast too. Before you know it, we will all be back to our regularly scheduled lives. In the mean time, let this thing run its course fast and be done.

Something else that I have been hearing from people is “Can we have a reset button for 2020?” People, this is the reset button. It’s already been pushed. This is the wake up call everyone has been needing but not answering. How many times have we all been sick but pushed through it? Now, we are being forced to take a moment and rest. Healthy or not, this is our time as individuals to figure out what really matters most. This is our time to heal; to spend with ourselves and/or our families in isolation. Families now have the opportunity to reconnect with each other. Something that has been missing for a long time. It’s allowing the Earth to heal some. The pollution levels have dropped around the world. People are coming together because we are all in this together. This isn’t some horrific even that is happening to one part of the world. This is happening globally. This is connecting the world. We get to help each other through this, not because it’s not happening to us but we feel for the rest, it’s because we are going through the same thing. The world is on a lockdown. The world economy is taking a hit. But, people around the world are finding ways to connect with one another without actually being with each other. And it doesn’t always involve electronic devices. This is bringing out the best in the world. This is showing us that as a people of this world, we can have peace. This is world peace.

It’s sad that it has happened the way it has. There are better ways to come together as a complete world and not a world divided by stupid, petty bullshit. I think people have been stupid when it comes to the panic and the hoarding of items. But, every person has their way of dealing with stress. Let’s not forget, though, that stress weakens the immune system and when the problem is a virus that effects the body, especially those with compromised immune systems, you are putting yourself at a higher risk by allowing yourself to stress out. This is a great time to turn off the electronic devices and connect with yourself and your family. Take advantage of what this time is giving you; what it’s giving the world. This is a time for the Earth itself to try to get healthy again. We should all be trying to do the same.

As bad as this whole thing might be, there are positives. I have touched on a few of those positives. We must look at the positives in the bad situations. Focusing on what is going wrong or bad is not going to help the situation get better. Focus on the good and what it can bring to our lives, that is where the situation changes for the better. This is a time for great change. We can either complain and bitch about it or we can use it as a means to grow and better our lives and our planet. After all, we are all in this together.

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