A. I.

Since this is becoming a bigger and bigger issue, I have something to say about it. Of course I do.

Just because we CAN do something, doesn’t always mean we SHOULD. AI is the end of humanity. If you want to know what the apocalypse looks like, well this is it. Those who think AI is a great idea is putting themselves and millions, or billions, if people out of work. So, if we want AI to take everything over, how does the human population live? Are we going to get rid of money? What is the future going to look like for the real humans of the world?

In a world that is already breaking, adding AI is not going to help bring it back together. This is going to be the last punch to complete the break. At what point do we say enough is enough we don’t need this? I do not want artificial intelligence in my life. I want real humans to interact with. As anti-social as I can be, I’d still rather be with my fellow humans than some fake ass shit. There are enough real humans that are fake, we don’t need to add to that either.

Like the old saying goes, “Just say no!” Our future is dire if we continue down the road of letting AI take over everything. I get people get lazy but is this really the answer to not wanting to work? This is a dangerous road we are on and it should not continue. There is no future for humans with AI. There can only be one and I’m not going to give up my life for something that is not real.

Again, just because we can do something, doesn’t always mean we should.

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